• Lorienn


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Информация о Lorienn

Говорит о себе

I am a diverse personality, controversial and fickle. I am interested in singing and playing various instruments, drawing and visiting art galleries, taking courses in acting and journalism, I still love figure skating and reading very much. Reading is my passion since childhood. I have not found yet something that would touch me to the depths of my soul, but in the future I would like to open my own restaurant and have my own business. Now my main goal is to learn everything related to business, entrepreneurship and the restaurant industry, and I hope I will succeed. Also now I got involved in photography and photoshop. Making things more creative will always be my passion. In life I am sociable and cheerful, sometimes I am shy, but this does not prevent me from getting to know other people. It seems to me that you can often learn more from other people than from books, I like something new.
