• Meli-bbw


  • английский, испанский, китайский
  • Last activity

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Данные Meli-bbw

Пишет о себе

The best way to describe me is as a shy but horny girl
My name is Mia, Im 22 years old. on the outiside I´m just a shy girl but in bed I´m the dirtiest slut
I need money to finish my studies and move out of my parents house. so i decide to make money doing what i love, been a slut.
I like role-playing games, especially pet playing. i considere myself a submissive, since i really enjoy been humiliate, but I´m open to new things
As i say i still live with my parents, and tehy don´t know that their daugther is a whore,so each transmission will be with the adrenaline that they can discover me at any time

welcome and enjoy

Языки:английский, испанский, китайский