• Alice_mina


  • Bogota D.C., Colombia
  • Bogota D.C., Colombia
  • английский, французский, испанский
  • Last activity

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Информация о Alice_mina

Говорит о себе

i love when there are people who like to talk, spend pleasant time and enjoy good company, I found this site where I can have good friends and also earn money, enjoy my imagination and feel more confident with myself.


I love when there are people who like to talk, spend pleasant time and enjoy good company. I found this site where I can have good friends and also earn money, enjoy my imagination and feel more secure with myself.


J'aime quand il y a des gens qui aiment parler, passer du temps agréable et profiter de la bonne compagnie, j'ai trouvé ce site où je peux avoir de bon amis et aussi gagner de l'argent, profiter de mon imagination et me sentir plus en sécurité avec moi-même.

Языки:английский, французский, испанский