• mollyxfauna


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Biography of mollyxfauna

About cam model

???? Hey folks, thanks for checking in!
❤ I'm pansexual and continuously exploring just about everything.
???? I enjoy entertaining and collaborating to make dreams come true. 
???? All genders, race, sexualities, and people of all backgrounds are welcome!

???? Please note the following:

✅ If I respond to you/requests as anything but "YES" - my answer is NO.
✅ I reserve the right to stop, amend, or refuse engagement and services at anytime. 
✅ Understand that I do not consent to anyone downloading, distributing, or taking photos, recordings, screenshots, etc of me and my image, video, messages, audio, or other personal and professional information. 

When (not if) we choose to violate consent, annoy, bully, dox, stalk, harass, rape, abuse, blackmail, impersonate and/or perpetuate harm to ANYONE... INCLUDING OURSELVES... Call 1 (800) GET-HELP-AND-DO-THE-WORK & Visit transformharm.org/tag/advice-for-harm-doers/  
My answer is "NO" unless I explicitly state the word spelled Y-E-S. So ask carefully and clarify, clarify, clarify. 
I will also rescind my agreement with anyone, to anything, at any time I please. I don't owe an explaination to anyone. 
Just joking around, having good intentions, or being a nice person does not absolve us of our harmful effects on others. We can cry. We can also CALL 1 (800) TAKE-ACCOUNTA-FUCKING-BILTY & visit: transformharm.org/getting-called-out-why-acknowledging-oppression-matters-more-than-your-hurt-feelings/  
???? ALSO - let's love the fuck out of our bodies.

???? See below for TURN-OFFS + non-negotiable boundaries (not willing to talk about, do, or watch, whilst playing): 
✂ scat ✂ vomit
✂ boogers ✂ body comparison ✂ small penis humiliation ✂ snuff✂ consent violations

Body Type:Aver