- Colombia
- Spanish, English
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Informations about blakematte
Says about itself
Significado del nombre Blake. Reservado y secreto, Blake es un personaje que no siempre sigue las vas tradicionales. Original, o a veces marginal, da la impresin de ser insensible y distante, mientras que en realidad es tmido e inquieto. Cuando se siente a gusto, se muestra amistoso y abierto.
Meaning of the name Blake. Reserved and secret, Blake is a character who does not always follow the traditional ways. Original, or sometimes marginal, gives the impression of being insensitive and distant, while in reality it is shy and restless. When he feels at ease, he is friendly and open.
Gender: | Couples Trans + Female |
Age: | 20 |
Ethnicity: | Latino |
Eyes: | Brown |
Hair: | Black |
Languages: | Spanish, English |
Country: | Colombia |
Body Type: | Aver |