- Switzerland
- English
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Biography of AngelRosse
About camgirl
.:。✿*゚‘゚・✿.。.:* *.:。✿*゚’゚・✿.。.:*
★★★ MY RULES★★★
.:。✿*゚‘゚・✿.。.:* *.:。✿*゚’゚・✿.。.:*
This is a fun place . Don't be that guy .Only be nice and enjoy my company.
Saying hello is a good act of courtesy.
No skype , only tokens.
No dirty shows (pee, poo).
Love me and I will love you.Dont forget add to favourite me.
Don't be a beggar or asking for any discount.
Dont make any requests without tipping, we all are not in the market to bargain!
No links in my chat.
Don't be rude to me and my members.
Respect my rules and don't forget to follow me .
I only accept tokens (no other way).
do not meet personally.
I do not want to marry
He respects my rules
Do not talk about other models here
Roulette price 50 tokens
️Bobs ️
️Bobs in libchik ️
️Try again ️
️Ass ️
️Put your song and danse ️
️Blow a kiss ️
️Spank ass 3 times ️
️Twerk ️
️Striptease ️
️Doggy style ️
️Suck a finger ️
️Show language ️
️️️️️️TIP MENU️️️️️️
️ Kiss - 5 tokens ️
️ Smile - 10 tokens ️
️ Suck a finger -15 tokens ️
️ Order your (2 song ) - 20 tokens️
️ Spank ass (7 times) - 30 tokens ️
️ Ass - 65 tokens ️
️ Boobs - 80 tokens ️
️ Striptease - 90 tokens ️
️ Love me - 100 tokens ️
️ Send me home - 2000 tokens ️
♡♡Hey My Love ♡♡
♡♡ Thank you for all you do for me my love ! ♡♡
♡♡You'll be forever in my heart !♡♡
Hello to all!
I'm Angelina. And I'm glad that you went to see my profile to learn more about me more)
I am 20 and I love life. I also professionally do folk dances (I have been dancing for 10 years) and get a diploma in this style. I also love sports and go to the gym, I also like cooking. I love to cook something tasty for myself and my friends (although I am not friends with the dough and baking is very strange heheheh).
I like this job and I get great pleasure when you give me advice! Your activity motivates me to become better . If you like me and my profile, then put a heart and you will already make me a lot happier ️
I love to laugh and is a very good day if you are with friends
I like respectful people That give a good greeting and like to laugh a lot
My favorite color is ( Red and yellow ) and I really do not like green color!
I am a music lover and I love different music!
My stature is (156cm im very small ;)
I really like to travel and dance
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Gender: | Girls |
Age: | 20 |
Ethnicity: | White |
Eyes: | Hazel |
Hair: | Blonde |
Languages: | English |
Country: | Switzerland |
Body Type: | Thin |